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Cooperative InterUrban ApplicationsThe CINT Sub-project is one of the three application projects of CVIS.

It will develop and validate cooperative services to improve the efficiency, safety and environmental friendliness of traffic on the inter-urban road network and offer a safe and comfortable journey to drivers and passengers.

The cooperative concepts will be based on the core technologies developed by the CVIS-project. These developments include advanced positioning and location referencing, seamless infrastructure-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-vehicle communications, as well as the basic services for monitoring.


CINT will develop concepts and a toolkit for vehicle-infrastructure cooperation suitable for inter-urban highways, within the high-level CVIS architecture. This will enable advanced traffic optimization scenarios, effective throughout the network, at the same time maintaining a high level of local response to momentary traffic fluctuations, disturbances and priority vehicle requests.


Two useful and realistic example applications will be developed, namely:

Enhanced Driver Awareness (EDA)


This application focuses on safety and will Inform vehicle drivers within 5 seconds by communication from the roadside or even nearby motorists, about relevant aspects of the dynamic traffic situation, current speed and other regulations, road and weather conditions downstream, also offering the possibility to enhance the effectiveness of in car systems for driver assistance.


Enhanced Driver Awareness

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Cooperative Travelers Assistance (CTA)


This application focuses on assistance of the drivers. It increases the transparency of the evolving traffic situation downstream on the road network, personalizes the information to travelers, enables them to make optimal use of the road network and assists the traveler making the right choice navigating through the road network, based upon full cooperation between Roadside systems, in-vehicle sensors, Traffic managers and Service providers. This system will provide information to the driver within 15 seconds about a major congestion incident, and 15 seconds later they receive a recommendation about an alternative route.


Cooperative Travelers Assistance

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Demonstration on test sites

Both applications will be demonstrated on at least two CVIS test sites.




Arie Penning

CINT Sub-project Leader




Sub-Project Partners





















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