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TRA 2008

Second European Road Transport Research Arena

Ljubljana, Slovenia
21-25 April 2008


The mission of the Transport Research Arena (TRA) is to enhance the alignment of road transport research at European and national levels, by networking and clustering Europe’s public and industrial research and development capacity. Based on a shared European Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and Research Framework, TRA brings together all stakeholders: researchers, policy makers and end-users. The three main organisers of TRA are:

  • CEDR, whose members, both regulating authorities and public clients, possess the tools and the capacities to be important driving forces to implement the ERA.
  • The European Commission, being the main facilitator of pan-European research sees an opportunity for all key parties to meet, exchange and disseminate their needs and results.
  • ERTRAC, a body of crucial importance bringing together stakeholders from all sectors of road transport in creating and implementing a shared European Research Framework.

Focused on integration and improving urban transport, TRA 2008 coincides with the implementation phase of the seventh EU Research Framework Programme (FP7), aimed at developing new technologies for greener, safer and smarter transport systems.


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