The European Intelligent Vehicle Safety Summit 2008
The Courtyard Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt, Germany 11-12 March 2008
This 2-day conference and exhibition boasts a professionally vetted agenda tackling the most important business and technical issues facing Europe's Active Vehicle Safety industry right now, including:
- Mass market education and deployment onto European markets
- V2X - Vehicle to infrastructure / Vehicle to Vehicle communication
- Next generation sensor safety - from active cruise control and lane departure warning systems to pedestrian safety and river drowsiness systems
- Cutting edge ADAS systems - how to optimise in car safety systems through sensor fusion / in car networks
- Government legislation and standards - standardisation of safety testing, vehicle communication standards, road safety policy
Participation of CVIS
DAY 2 - The Vehicle-to-X (V2X) deployment roadmap
"First results of the CVIS project – the reference execution platform and beta testing of V2X applications" by Peter Christ, CVIS FOAM Sub-project Leader, ERTICO - ITS Europe
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Website last modified: 20 September 2010