14th World Congress & Exhibition on ITS
In recent years, ITS industry has emerged and boomed in China, vividly witnessing the application of science and technologies to transport systems. With rapid development in China's transport industry, ITS and ITS-related technologies and applications are emerging. ITS plays a very important role in improving the management of urban transport and its operation efficiency.
With the theme of "ITS for a Better Life", the 14th World Congress on ITS provided a platform for international ITS professionals to exchange ideas and understand the ITS application and development potential in China.
The Congress reviewed and showcased the ITS industry's latest products and technological achievements, offering a window on future trends, as on China's ITS achievements by organizing technical tours and sightseeing activities, including the ITS projects underway in preparation for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, 2010 Shanghai Expo and Guangzhou Asia Games.
Participation of CVIS
- ES06, Policy for Cooperative ITS
Friday 12 October The environment of cooperative ITS, in which vehicles and infrastructure interact, may offer significant improvements in traffic safety and traffic management and control applications. Information will ultimately be exchanged between vehicles and infrastructure. Data will have to be collected, communicated, processed and distributed. It is important to start creating a political consensus about how to deploy the infrastructure-based facilities that support cooperative ITS, since the lack of a policy consensus could delay the implementation at a time when industry will be ready.
- Special Sessions SS15, European Approach to Cooperative Systems Architecture
Thursday 11 October The work in Co-operative Systems in Europe started in 2006 with the launch of Integrated Projects CVIS, SAFESPOT and COOPERS and a number of targeted research projects. This research aims at significant improvements in Mobility and Transport by offering higher levels of safety to all road users and improving the efficiency of the whole transport system. The success of Co-operative systems will depend on interoperability. COMeSafety, a Specific Support Action and the Communications Working Group of the eSafety Forum spearhead Europe's efforts to achieve a common Communications Architecture for Co-operative systems, paving the way to interoperability and standardisation and spectrum allocations. This session gives an overview on the current status of the work on Co-operative Systems in Europe, concentrating on the approach to a common Communications Architecture and the research challenges. The speakers in the session will also outline the ongoing work of the recently established Architecture Task Force and address its implications on International harmonisation and standardisation. Presentations Knut Evensen, CVIS Chief Architect, Vice President Technology, Q-Free ASA, Norway "The CVIS Architecture" - Download ( )
- Special Session SS24, "CVIS": European Initiative for Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems
Thursday 11 October Cooperative systems promise to substantially increase road safety and efficiency, and to reduce the environmental impact of road transport. The EU-funded CVIS project is developing a standards-based wireless platform able to maintain continuous ad-hoc and network connectivity that can be fitted in both the vehicle and roadside equipment. When implemented, this will enable every vehicle to communicate - and cooperate - directly with the roadside infrastructure and with other vehicles in an effective and secure manner. This session will present the fundamental technologies underpinning the CVIS "universal cooperative systems communication platform". Cooperative systems could launch a revolution in mobility for travellers and goods, when vehicles will "talk" directly with the traffic management system. Road sign information such as speed limits, weather alerts, warnings of approaching emergency vehicles and other urgent messages will be sent wirelessly to an invehicle display. Based on the above core technology platform, a number of advanced applications are being developed in CVIS and other projects that will enable a more efficient, safe and environmentally friendly use of the road network. This session will discuss applications and services falling in three main categories: Cooperative inter-urban applications; cooperative urban applications and cooperative fleet and freight applications. However, these applications will only come into play if they are accepted and their benefits clearly understood by the users. Therefore, the deployment of cooperative systems is a critical part of the uptake process. The session will address some key issues for enabling deployment of cooperative systems, in vehicles and in the roadside infrastructure. Presentations
- Torbjörn Biding, CVIS Chair, Swedish Road Administration
"CVIS: European Initiative for Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure System - Introduction" - Download ( )
- Knut Evensen, CVIS Chief Architect (and Standardisation leader), Vice President Technology, Q-Free ASA, Norway
"CVIS Architecture and Technology" - Download ( )
- Niclas Nygren, CVIS CF&F Sub-project Leader, Volvo Technology Corporation, Sweden
"Cooperative Freight & Fleet Applications" - Download ( )
- Cees De Wijs, Director Intelligent Transport Systems, LogicaCMG, Netherlands
"Navigating towards Accelerated Deployment and Sustainable Mobility Sustainable Mobility - Co-operative Interurban Services" - Download ( )
- Technical Session TP 046, Intelligent Vehicle 3
Thursday 11 October Paper: "Benefits and Technology of an Intelligent Road Side Unit System for Vehicle to Infrastructure and Infrastructure to Centre Communication" by Arno Hinsberger, CVIS partner University of Applied Sciences Saarland, Germany Download ( )
- Special Session SS31, Acceptance & Implementation of Cooperative Systems in the Global Marketplace
Friday 12 October Cooperative vehicle-infrastructure systems offer potential benefits for road safety and transport efficiency. However, unless the value added by these systems is not obvious to users, or if they are not easy and attractive to use by drivers, they will not become a success in the marketplace. Road operators, transport businesses and vehicle manufacturers also need to be confident of positive returns before they will deploy these systems. This session will bring together participants from leading cooperative system initiatives around the world to share their views and experience on the most effective ways to stimulate and support system deployment and the take-up of products and services. Themes to be discussed include:
- policy tools: incentives, regulations, legislation;
- creating user demand; designing usability, giving the user an attractive experience;
- system reliability, creating user confidence;
- ensuring interoperability: roaming, standards...;
- user identity, data privacy & security;
- win-win business models; commercial vs. public services.
Presentations Mariana Andrade, CVIS Deployment Enablers Sub-project Leader, ERTICO-ITS Europe Download ( )
Website last modified: 20 September 2010