ITS World Congress 2009
16th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services
Stockholm International Fairs & Congress Centre (Stockholmsmässan), Sweden
21-25 September 2009
The focus of the ITS World Congress 2009 was on the implementation of ITS solutions which improve our everyday lives in helping make our transport system cleaner, safer, more efficient, reliable and secure.
This theme underlined the importance of deploying ITS research results so that daily use of innovative traffic and mobility services becomes a reality and benefits citizens and business community alike. Broad use of ITS services will help achieve political priorities shared far beyond the borders of the European Union, in relation with energy efficiency and climate change. Rapid deployment of ITS solutions will help make transport more efficient and environmentally-friendly. This congress was also used as a platform to discuss the topic of interoperability and harmonisation of ITS, not only in Europe but also worldwide.
Participation of CVIS
1. Live demonstrations (click here)
2. Public road tour (click here)
3. European Commission stand (L20) in the Exhibition Hall (click here)
4. Demo Theatre - where ITS comes to life (click here)
5. CVIS Application Submission Contest Award Ceremony (click here)
6. Conference papers & presentations
Tuesday 22 September 2009
14.00 - 15.30 TS016 - Cooperative communication systems Paper 3548 Communication subsystems role in a cooperative scenario, Erik Olsen, Q-Free, Norway - download ( ) Paper 3993 Cooperative systems for traffic safety. Will existing wireless access technologies meet the communication requirements?, Elisabeth Uhlemann, Halmstad University and Volvo Technology, Sweden - download ( )
14.00 - 15.30 IS06 - Decision support 2 Paper 3114 Optimal speed profile trajectory computation for vehicle approach at intersection with adaptive traffic control, Francesco Alesiani, Mizar Automazione SpA, Italy - download ( )
Wednesday 23 September 2009
09.00 - 10.30
SIS04 - Green ITS: applying cooperative ICT for energy-effi cient and environment-friendly mobility Organiser: Paul Kompfner, Head of Sector, Cooperative Mobility, ERTICO - ITS Europe Description of the session: This session will highlight those applications of cooperative systems intended to bring significant benefits for energy efficiency, reduced CO2 and better air quality. Presentations will feature applications developed and recently validated in field trials by the CVIS and COOPERS Integrated Projects of the EU’s 6th Framework Programme, ICT priority. Applications presented will include cooperative urban and motorway/interurban traffic management and control such as speed management, dynamic routing advice, and traffic information services to avoid congestion. Early results on the impact of cooperative applications on energy efficiency and environmental factors as well as user reactions will be presented from the CVIS and COOPERS test site trials. For the future, ‘Green ITS’ applications and services will increasingly support more efficient driving as well as road network management, and the session will conclude with an assessment of the potential for cooperative eco-driving assistance coupled with eco-traffic management to deliver significant environmental and efficiency benefits. Cooperative Systems for Inter-Urban Traffic / Freight & Fleet, Niclas Nygren, Volvo Technology - download ( ) Cooperative technology in traffic management and control, Siebe Turksma, Peek Traffic - download ( )
11.00 - 12.30
TS048 - Data fusion
Paper 3842 The RTMaps software, an integration platform for multi-partner cooperative projects developing multi-sensor applications, Nicolas Du Lac, INTEMPORA, France - download ( )
14.00 - 15.30 TS056 - V2X large scale experiments
Paper 3765 CVIS - cooperative monitoring for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Matthias Mann, PTV AG, Germany - download ( )
16.00 - 17.30 SIS44 - Towards safer, cleaner and smarter mobility with cooperative systems Organiser: Juhani Jääskeläinen, Head of Unit, ICT for Transport, European Commission, DG INFSO Description of the session: The SAFESPOT, CVIS and COOPERS Integrated Projects, co-funded by the European Commission Information Society and Media, are working on the design and development of cooperative systems for a safer, cleaner and smarter mobility in Europe. In the past three and half years a huge number of European stakeholders, involved in these projects, have been working on the design and development of the technological building blocks and on the architecture for cooperative systems that are based on vehicle to vehicle and on vehicle to infrastructure communication. SAFESPOT, CVIS and COOPERS are now in their final phase of development of interoperable systems and services and are implementing different solutions for a safer, cleaner and smarter mobility in different test sites in Europe. This session gives an overview of the current development outcomes of SAFESPOT, CVIS and COOPERS and of their implementation in the European test sites. The session includes also one stakeholder’s perspective on the future deployment of the cooperative systems applications developed in the three projects. CVIS applications for cooperative systems on the roads of Helmond (NL) and Stockholm (SE), Peter Christ, ERTICO - ITS Europe - download ( ) COOPERATIVE SYSTEMS: DEPLOYMENT SCENARIOS, Gino Franco, MIZAR Automazione S.p.A. - download ( )
Thursday 24 September 2009
09.00 - 10.30 TS071 - Better urban freight distribution through ITS Paper 3201 The integration of CVIS technologies within a real-time urban traffic environment, John McCarthy, Transport for London - TfL, UK - download ( )
11.00 - 12.30 TS079 - ADAS and positioning 2
Paper 2928 Road vehicle positioning at the lane level based on GNSS integration with enhanced maps, Rafael Toledo-Moreo, University of Murcia, Spain - download ( )
Paper 3808 Multi-hypothesis map-matching using particle filtering, Philippe Bonnifait, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France - download ( )
14.00 - 15.30 IS31 - Traffic management simulation studies Paper 3255 Regional scale real-time origin-destination matrix estimation technique and deployment results, Francesco Alesiani, Mizar Automazione SpA, Italy - download ( )
14.00 - 15.30 TS091 - Moving freight - smartly Paper 3507 Urban strategic routing in CVIS, Verena Franken, PTV AG, Germany - download ( )
Friday 25 September 2009
09.00 - 10.30
SIS17 - Towards a pan European architecture for cooperative systems: the PRE-DRIVE C2X, COMeSafety and E-FRAME projects
Organiser: Luisa Andreone, Project Manager, Centro Ricerche Fiat - CRF, Italy
Description of the session: The PRE-DRIVE C2X, COMeSafety and E-FRAME projects are working towards different aspects of the Common European Architecture for cooperative systems. The European ITS Communication Architecture provides the underlying communications features that are necessary to support cooperative systems and services. The development was started by COMeSafety in cooperation with SAFESPOT, CVIS and COOPERS. The PRE-DRIVE C2X project is now developing its building blocks following the Common European Architecture document drafted by COMeSafety. At the same time the E-FRAME project is extending the European ITS Framework (FRAME) Architecture, which provides tools to define the building blocks needed for ITS implementation, to include cooperative systems services, and support its use in Europe. A task force of these projects is now working with the Car2Car consortium and the relevant standardisation bodies, e.g. ETSI TC ITS, CEN and ISO TC 204, to create the required standards. Towards a pan European architecture for cooperative systems - Status on Standardization, Martin ARNDT, ETSI - download ( ) COMeSafety - Towards a new version of the European ITS Communications Architecture (with input from COOPERS, CVIS, Safespot), Timo Kosch, BMW Group Research & Technology - download ( )
11.00 - 12.30
ES 14 - Services deployment challenges for cooperative mobility
With the successful development of enabling technologies such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle or Vehicle-to-Infrastructure systems, the next generation of ITS, cooperative mobility, is approaching deployment in all three regions. This session will address the main deployment challenges such as standardisation; strategies to ensure awareness of the safety, mobility and environmental impact benefits of cooperative mobility; and the need for global cooperation to promote political, financial and industrial success for the different programmes. Hessian Road and Traffic Authority, Gerd Riegelhuth - download ( )
11.00 - 12.30
TS111 - In-Vehicle platforms
Paper 3472 The CVIS communication platform - how open systems created interoperability between the three major eSafety projects CVIS, SAFESPOT and COOPERS, Runar Sorasen, Q-Free ASA, Norway - download ( )
Paper 3484 CALM in Europe - how CALM standards enables European interoperability, Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASA, Norway - download ( )
11.00 - 12.30
TS112 - Cooperative systems 1
Paper 3771 Reflections on cooperative urban applications - truly cooperative, Jaap Vreeswijk, Peek Traffic BV, The Netherlands - download ( )
Website last modified: 20 September 2010