IEEE International Conference on Intelligent RObots Systems (IROS2009)
3rd Workshop on Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles (PPNIV)
St Louis, MO, USA
11 October 2009
The purpose of this workshop was to discuss topics related to the challenging problems of autonomous navigation and of driving assistance in open and dynamic environments. Technologies related to application fields such as unmanned outdoor vehicles or intelligent road vehicles were considered from both the theoretical and technological point of views. Several research questions located on the cutting edge of the state of the art will be addressed. Among the many application areas that robotics is addressing, transportation of people and goods seem to be a domain that will dramatically benefit from intelligent automation. Fully automatic driving is emerging as the approach to dramatically improve efficiency while at the same time leading to the goal of zero fatalities. This workshop addressed robotics technologies, which are at the very core of this major shift in the automobile paradigm.
Participation of CVIS
The POMA partner "Université de Technologie de Compiègne" was invited to make a presentation on localization integrity applied to land vehicle localization for cooperative systems:
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Website last modified: 20 September 2010