Workshop on Intelligent Highways - expectation and requirements
La Maison de l'Automobile, Brussels, Belgium 25 October 2007
Invitation and programme
All countries in the European Research Area face major challenges with their transport systems, such as CO2 emissions, global warming, road safety and an incentive to work towards a form of mobility that is sustainable, energy-efficient and respectful of the environment. Most countries have national transport strategies which involve similar approaches. The application of Intelligent Transport Systems on Europe’s road is a topic that raises considerable interest and, occasionally, concern: while it is clear that the benefits can be considerable, road authorities are justifiably concerned about the pace of development of such systems and the focus on their needs. Added to this there are very real concerns about the socio-political aspects, the different assessments of cost-effectiveness compared to other needs and the overall cost-benefits across the whole system.
Earlier projects within the European R&D framework programmes concerned systems that were aimed at improving either the transport infrastructure or the vehicles themselves; generally autonomous or stand-alone systems, either in the vehicle or at the roadside. From the outset of the Sixth Framework Programme, it was recognized that the future of ICT applications in transport for safety and effciency lay in cooperative systems, based on vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications.
The aim of the workshop is to better understand the perspectives of road authorities and to inform participants about current developments in FEHRL's activities. It will consider three major research domains: Greener, Safer and Smarter. Each domain will be presented in the context of existing research and analyzing the lack of research in that specific area, to incentive proposals in preparation for coming FP7’s calls.
The event is free of charge but requires prior registration. You can find a registration form on line at or contact
Participation of CVIS
III Smarter
CVIS presentation will focus on the vehicle (and driver) side of cooperative systems, on the vehicle role in interaction with the infrastructure.
In addition, CVIS IP coordinator will take part in the panel expert group running the afternoon interactive session.
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