Workshop on Business Cases and Business Models for Cooperative Systems
ERTICO – ITS Europe, Brussels, Belgium
29 June 2007
Agenda ( )
Background of Business Models
In the past, there have been many technological developments in the area of traffic and transport: some successful, others with little or no impact. The main reason for unsuccessful initiatives can be traced to an inadequate business model. Technical innovations, no matter how pioneering, are doomed to fail if there is no one willing to pay for them. On the other hand, there are plenty of examples of standard technical developments that have enjoyed market success thanks to a profitable business case. Developments in cooperative systems will not be any different - a successful business case for any CVIS result is instrumental for market success.
In our current and ever-changing world, new business models appear at every turn. We’ve come a long way from buying and owning a tangible object to receiving an asset for negligible cost via a monthly service fee.
In CVIS, we must identify all the components that define the various business cases to create a successful business model in which cooperative systems can survive in a competitive market. This is not a straightforward task: if we knew exactly what the CVIS business model should be, there would be no need for our R&D activities!
ERTICO - ITS Europe and LogicaCMG therefore jointly organised a workshop on Business Models and Business Cases for Cooperative Systems, with the objective to exchange ideas and thoughts regarding commercial issues, business cases and business models.
In addition to presenting the visions of key stakeholders, the workshop was meant to give direction to the work of the CVIS Deployment Enablers (DEPN) sub-project. Indeed feedback from the workshop will serve as input for the business case and business models for cooperative systems, one of the main topics of the DEPN sub-project.
The first part of the workshop was dedicated to presenting the background of Business Models and Business Cases in relation to cooperative systems:
Download the presentation ( )
In the second part, key stakeholders presented their vision on the commercial aspects around cooperative systems:
- "Co-operative Vehicle Infrastructure System: An Insurer's Perspective", Thomas Miller (presentation
- "Vision from the Public institute", Flemish Government - Traffic Centre Flanders (presentation
- "Constraints and success factors for telematics services offered by CVIS", Bosch Blaupunkt (presentation
- "Telecom Italia approach to ITS Market", Telecom Italia (presentation
- "Business Model draft from infrastructure suppliers’ and device manufacturers’ view", Siemens AG (presentation
The workshop concluded with an open discussion providing additional perspectives on this exciting area.