IEEE, IET International Symposium on COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, NETWORKS AND DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING University of Northumbria, Newcastle, UK
21-23 July 2010
CSNDSP has now been recognised as a forum for the exchange of ideas among engineers, scientists and young researchers from all over the world on advances in communication systems, communications networks, digital signal processing and other related areas and to provide a focus for future research and developments.
Participation of CVIS
Paper presented by CVIS partner CIT (Cork Institute of Technology): "Characterisation of IEEE802.11p Radio Channel for Vehicle-2-Vehicle Communications using the CVIS Platform"
The use of software tools to simulate the behaviour of a network, and then analyse the effect of various parameters on the network performance, is a crucial task for new technologies, application development and implementation. Accurate simulation of wireless vehicular communications is heavily reliant on the precision of the underlying environmental models. Incorrect assumptions made in these models can lead to erroneous conclusions on the effectiveness of proposed techniques. This paper presents results from empirical measurements of the IEEE 802.11p communications channel conducted with prototype IEEE802.11p equipment for the Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications.
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