15th World Congress on ITS
ITS Connections: Saving Time, Saving Lives
New York City, USA
16-20 November 2008
The continuing goal of the World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is to promote awareness and deployment of ITS technologies. A broad range of technical tours will be available to participating ITS professionals at this World Congress edition in New York. These tours will feature both state-of-the-art facilities including the New York State Department of Transportation’s INFORM Center on Long Island, as well as transport facilities of extraordinary significance, such as the George Washington Bridge, "the busiest vehicular crossing in the world".
This combined event will feature the largest fully-integrated demonstration of deployed and marketable ITS technologies ever, where Vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside communication technologies and applications will be highlighted. This demonstration will include innovative mobility solutions operating on the streets and highways of New York and will build upon the success of the Innovative Mobility Showcase that proved to be of enormous interest at the 2005 San Francisco World Congress. Live demonstrations will showcase advanced ITS technologies that provide effective management of public facilities, protect public investment in transport infrastructure, and enhance and expand mobility options.
Participation of CVIS
- Special Session SS13 - Progress of Cooperative Systems in Different Regions (
Download) Opportunities for International Cooperation on "Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems": cooperative systems, based on interaction among vehicles and roadside infrastructure are widely expected to deliver the next generation of advanced ITS. Major R&D efforts are now under way around the globe to define the key technologies such as vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, enhanced positioning, and middleware for core services. The potential benefits of harmonisation at a global level are substantial. This session will present the main cooperative system activities worldwide and identify the needs, opportunities, and priority actions for international cooperation toward convergence.
- Interactive session 1, paper 20261 Lane-level positioning for cooperative systems using EGNOS and enhanced digital maps, by François PEYRET, LCPC (
ABSTRACT The CVIS POMA (POsitioning and MApping) sub-project researches, develops, tests and validates advanced positioning and mapping solutions in order to provide a set of positioning and mapping services that will run across CVIS entities (vehicle, roadside equipment, service centre, etc.). In the framework of POMA activities, a specific research action aims at developing a new system capable of locating vehicles at lane level. This capability is valuable for a panel of ADAS, for instance warning the driver of any danger or obstacle that he/she can potentially find on his/her trajectory, like a wrong way driver, or new services called “Lane utilization information”, “In-vehicle variable speed limit information” or “Intelligent speed alert with links to infrastructure”. In this paper we present the feasibility of this concept, paying special attention to the contributions that EGNOS can provide to our purposes.
- TS46, Pragmatic System Engineering for CVIS positioning & mapping, by Boudewijn Schokker, Logica (
Download) ABSTRACT The CVIS project’s Positioning and Mapping (POMA) group developed a pragmatic system engineering methodology to capture requirements and structure the subsequent architecture, development and test phases in the project. This methodology provided a focused approach for the multidisciplinary team consisting of university groups, public authorities, and commercial companies. The roots of the used methods are in IEEE and engineering industry standards and best practices. The method provides control by consistency and traceability, whereas the diverse group can work with it.
- TS47, Fuel Efficiency in Cooperative Network Control Systems, by Siebe Turksma, Peek (
Download) ABSTRACT Current adaptive urban traffic control systems generally seek to minimize delays in the network. Some adaptive urban traffic control systems can take the number of stops by vehicles into account. The latter can be used to limit fuel inefficient accelerations. The impact of a stop of a fully laden truck is much higher than that of a light weight car. By using the emerging cooperative systems technology it will become possible to minimize fuel consumption based on actual vehicles characteristics. The cooperative interaction is twofold. Firstly, the urban traffic control systems gets real time insight in the vehicle characteristics through which control can be optimized. Secondly, the urban traffic control system can give feedback on optimal acceleration patterns to individual drivers or vehicles. The Priority Application as developed in CVIS can be used as the basis for control that takes fuel consumption and emissions explicitly into account.
- TS50, Wireless Strategies for Future and Emering ITS applications, by Elisabeth Uhlemann, Volvo (
Download) ABSTRACT Within the ITS field, many applications of a diverse nature are considered and thus their communication requirements differ significantly. This makes it difficult for one wireless carrier to support all or most of these applications. Therefore, a list of communication requirements for future ITS applications has been compiled and used to analyze different ITS applications as well as different wireless carriers. The considered applications are suggested applications for namely the CVIS project. Applications in three domains are considered: (1) cooperative applications for urban areas (CURB), e.g. area routing and control; (2) interurban areas (CINT), e.g. enhanced driver awareness and (3) freight and fleet management (CFF), e.g. dangerous goods monitoring. Accordingly, the applications can be grouped into different requirements profiles with recommended wireless carriers assigned to each profile. The concept of profiling can also be used to classify the applications according to their non-technical requirements and hence accelerate their future deployment by encouraging involved stakeholders to make the most common requirements available. It can also be useful when developing a roadmap for deployment of future ITS applications defining which application will most likely be implemented first.
- SC03 - The New Infrared road site transmitter brings ISO Calm on the street, by Hannes Stratil, Efkon (
Download) ABSTRACT The family of International Standards for CALM (Communication Architecture for Land Mobile environment) are the new ISO-Standards for car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication. An essential key requirement of future ITS communication is the ability to set up "ad-hoc connections" and to transmit KBytes of data in a few milliseconds. Infrared adds the capability to communicate in predefined directions and to detect the communication-distance to the partner by time-of-light measurement. Infrared communication has outstanding capabilities to shape communication zones according user-requirements, features high data rate for up- and download, and offers, due to the beaming characteristics, high reliability and protection of privacy. Due to the participation of EFKON in the European project CVIS and COOPERS, Infrared equipment will be installed in vehicles and mounted on gentries at several test sites in Europe.
Website last modified: 20 September 2010