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Assessing antenna design for wireless communication


SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden is a leading international research institute. SP Electronics, one of its technical departments, is expert in electronics for safe and reliable applications operating in severe environments. They carry out research into electromagnetics, reliable systems and environmental durability, in addition to performing technical evaluations of products and systems. 


Within SP project V2x (where X stands for infrastructure or vehicle), SP Electronics has purchased two CVIS nodes.The project is meant to test communication quality between nodes, and analyse different antenna designs and placements on vehicles. Types of antennas that will be considered in V2X are e.g. MIMO diversity antennas. The recorded test results concern bandwidth, round trip delay, RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication), MER (Message Error Ratio), BER (Bit Error Ratio), latency, throughput, jitter, etc.


Feedback from V2x will be given on experience setting up and using CVIS environment as well as antenna design and placement.


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