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Optimizing road safety and the flow of traffic


Sponsored by the European Commission (FP6), the project started in January 2005 and will end in December 2006.

REACT will develop a system that will work towards the Community’s objectives of reducing road transport deaths and increasing road infrastructure capacity. 


REACT will collect  and integrate data from existing road authority traffic management systems, combining them with the new data to be collected from REACT’s mobile sensors, and analyzing the combined data in REACT’s models, generating better, more customized  recommendations to increase road safety.


REACT is based on advanced functionalities on board the vehicles themselves and centralised resources organised around analytical models that predict the traffic in a given region. CVIS partner Intempora furnishes the on board software platform and participates in both the design of the system's architecture and the actual experimentation process.

The testing will take place at the end of 2006 in Munich, a city whose traffic control center is at the point of today's technology.

If you would like to learn more about this project, check out the website or download the presentation movie "Inside the REACT Project"

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