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Intelligent Route Guidance for Heavy Vehicles


HeavyRoute LOGOThe HeavyRoute project aims to develop an advanced route guidance system for HGVs as a tool for deriving the safest and the most cost effective routes for road freight transports throughout Europe.


The system will for the first time take into full account road user needs, vehicle operating and environmental costs as well as maintenance costs for the road owner/manager due to deterioration of roads and bridges. The system will be built on available and implemented technologies such as fleet management and logistics systems, guidance/ rerouting systems, traffic monitoring and management systems, dynamic map updating and various ITS solutions.


Working with all the major stakeholders, with FEHRL and ERTICO as partners with unique links to Road Authorities, industry and suppliers, the unique aspects of HeavyRoute will pave the way for future large-scale development of a robust pan-European system.

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