Extending the FRAME architecture
E-FRAME is a EC-funded Support Action project that started in May 2008 for a duration of 3 years. It will provide support for the creation of inter-operable and scalable Cooperative Systems throughout the European Union. It will provide a centre of knowledge that is commercially and politically neutral, and which services everyone’s long term interests.
Its main objectives are:
- to extend the European ITS Framework Architecture (FRAME) architecture to include new functionalities from Cooperative Systems for:
- New data from Vehicles, e.g. road conditions
- V2V communications for travel information
- Better driver information and trip planning
- Improved knowledge of road network state
- to show how FRAME can be used to develop and implement Cooperative Systems across EU Member States and Regions.
The system requirements for the COOPERS, CVIS and SAFESPOT integrated projects have already been collated into a set of combined requirements in the format of the FRAME User Needs.
For more information, please click here.
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