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Usable and manageable communication infrastructures for the future


DAIDALOS is an EU FP6 Integrated Project which is currently in its second phase (phase 1: IST-2002-506997, phase 2: IST-2005-026943), which is planned to conclude by the end of 2008.


The goal of the project is a secure, personalized and pervasive access to content and services built on heterogeneous networks and infrastructures for the mobile user. The objective of Daidalos is to develop and demonstrate an open architecture based on a common network protocol (IPv6), that becomes a significant step towards approaching the Daidalos vision. High priority is given to impacting on the standardisation and specification efforts that are ongoing in the international scientific and industrial communities.

The overall Daidalos objectives are to: 

  • Design, prototype and validate the necessary infrastructure and components for efficient distribution of services over diverse network technologies beyond 3G
  • Integrate complementary network technologies to provide pervasive and user-centred access to these services
  • Develop an optimized signalling system for communication and management support in these networks
  • Demonstrate the results of the work through strong focus on user-centered and scenario-based development of technology

To learn more about this project, click here


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