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ITS World Congress Stockholm - Press Visibility

The media coverage report, containing all press articles publised in relation, can be downloaded here ()


On the initiative of CVIS project coordinator and the Dissemination Manager, ERTICO - ITS Europe, a press briefing was organised in Stockholm. In order to show the true colours of cooperation, the SAFESPOT and COOPERS projects were also invited to participate, to make this a truly joint press event.


At least 18 journalists participated in the briefing from (in no specific order): Revistas Vial (Argentina), Media wheel (Finland), Telegraph media group (Daily Telegraph - UK), ITS International (UK), iSupply (USA), Motorföraren (Sweden), Motor (Denmark), VG (Norway), Daily Newspaper (Russia), Thinking Highways/H3B Media (UK), Car-Smart News (USA), Intel corporation (Belgium), VG (Norway) and Metro Teknik (Sweden). A list of articles can be found here.

In addition to these journalists, three special film crews have followed CVIS activities in Stockholm:

  • Volvo team: preparing the movie on Demonstration Theatre described in chapter 4. In addition, Volvo marketing has done additional promotional work internally. Please click here for more information;

  • Intel team: another measure of success is that the world’s largest chip manufacturer is interested in cooperating with CVIS. Intel sent a film team which followed the CVIS demonstrations. The purpose was to present the project and the area of cooperative systems internally within the company and get more departments/higher level management interested in supporting the cooperation with CVIS. See the result here;

  • ERTICO team: filmed the demonstrations and interviews with large number of relevant people to be used for the CVIS final video. See the result here.

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