ITS World Congress Stockholm - Demonstration Theatre
The related chapter from the detailed report can be downloaded here ( )
An innovative way to present the new cooperative world and what that would mean to the end users was demonstration theatre play on cooperative systems (figure 1,2,3 and 4). Volvo and the Swedish Road Administration, as joint CVIS and SAFESPOT partners, developed the play contracting a professional theatre crew (actors and a director). During the World Congress, Volvo professional film team has recorded the play and made it available on the web. As one picture says more than 1000 words, we would like to invite the readers to watch the video by clicking here.
Approximately 350 visitors were able to see the play. The number would have been even larger but due to the tight schedule of the Demonstration Theatre only one play per area (where cooperative systems area was one of four) was possible per day. In total there was one show per day and all 75 seats were full every time. In addition, most of the times up to 20 people were allowed in the theatre audience but they had to stand.
The play and the movie were an excellent course in the world of cooperative systems.