Cooperative Mobility Showcase 2010 - Press Visibility
A press briefing was jointly organised by EC, RAI, the Dutch Ministry of Transport and the 3 integrated projects on the Conference opening day, i.e. 24 March 2010.
Journalists were invited to attend the CTMC inauguration by the Dutch Ministry of Transport before joining one of the demonstration tours reserved for the press.
As an introduction, there were welcoming statements from the Dutch Ministry of Transport and EC, followed by a summary description of the 3 IPs.
The journalists were given supporting documentation, including demo booklet and project brochures, in addition to other information specifically prepared by the projects (CVIS had prepared a press dossier, which can be downloaded HERE). The information package explained the concept of the demonstrations and described the sequence of applications presented.
It also included the press releases issued by the project (which included the VNR version of CVIS video) and by EC
Journalists were also allowed some interview time. The CVIS coordinator was interviewed by Het Financieele Dagblad and BNR Nieuswradio.
Click here ( ) for the list of journalists, including many television networks, who registered for accreditation.
Click here ( ) to download a non-exhaustive yet extensive list of articles published about the Showcase.